Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Music u might not know about...

By Jonathan Wilson

Hey there levitylanders, this is the first of my monthly blogs for levityland. Please excuse the cursing, the overload of words, the sentences that trail off and overall mind vomit that you may read. If you know me (unlikely yes, I mean it is the fucking internerd right), this is how I speak and it's also how I write. Hopefully I'll offer you an insight into something new and something old at the same time. 

So It's Thursday morning and I'm about to lose my fucking mind, you see in two days I'm off to London again... always again and again to London. Hmmm, Again and Again great song by an even more fantastic band called Akron/ Family (www.myspace.com/akronfamily ). Anyway, I've lost my train of thought already...

So while I'm bitching and moaning about London (Rothko room at Tate, I will be visiting you again). I should note that I'm also lucky enough this time round to be heading over to CMJ at the end of the month in NYC. It's been a long time since I was last in New York, about 7 years. Fuck...come to think of it I'm pretty excited about it. My friend Cannonball Bob just came home from NYC ATP festival and he's pretty much been raving about My Bloody Valentine over and over for the last 3 days. He even bought me a Loveless T Shirt, it is awesome so I shouldn't complain. Everything I you ever need is in New York. Bring on Pop-eyes chicken, deli sandwiches as big as houses, cheap boutique guitar pedals, cool as fuck cloths and loads of drinking in lower east side bars till late late late.

CMJ will be great, I'm there with Cut Off Your Hands who I manage these days, they just signed to Syd from Les Savy Fav's label in America called French Kiss. Exciting times for them and me. I'll also be checking out some great new artist at CMJ which is always a treat. One band I'm particularly looking forward to seeing is School of Seven Bells. I've been chasing these girls and guy for Speak n Spell for a long time. Finally they have finished their debut album and I will be putting it out in Jan next year. SVIIB are made of Benjamin Curtis who was in one of my favourite bands of recent years called Secret Machines. Their second album Ten Silver Drops was fucking brilliant. Alone, Jealous and Stoned is the most amazing opening track. Also in the band, heading up the vocals are sisters Alejandra Deheza and Claudia Deheza. Some of you may recognise them from now defunct New York band On!Air!Library!. Their voices together are heavenly and Ben layers drones and beats so beautifully. Check them out on myspace (www.myspace.com/schoolofsevenbells ) and also look out for their album on Speak n Spell next year. Some other bands I can't wait to see are Crystal Antlers, Bear Hands, A Place to Bury Strangers, Beach House (They were so good at the Hopetoun recently) and about a million more names I'm be sprouting over the next few weeks. I'll be catching up with my friends the Duke Spirit in New York too as they're on tour there. Expect photo's, expect discoveries, expect extremes and extreme lows, expect a running commentary of burgers and fast food.

How good is ATP Australia going to be!!! M. Gira is coming. He was in Swans. Swans are the best band ever. Fact!  http://www.myspace.com/swansaredead.

His solo albums are fucking brilliant too http://www.myspace.com/mgira

One last thing, here's what I've been obsessed by this week...

Deerhunter - Saved By Old TImes
Jack Ladder -  Barbers Son
SVIIB - Wired For Light
Sad Waters - Listen Lovers
Salem - Snakes
Three Trapped Tigers - all their myspace songs www.myspace.com/threetrappedtigers
I don't swear nearly as much as this which makes me think I should swear more. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=RqtgfjkB6Pg
I've also been watching There Will Be Blood on repeat. "I DRINK YOUR MIlKSHAKE". try that line out on people, it really fucks with them.



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